If you've been thinking about preordering Sour Cherry, now is your chance to get it at 25% off through Tertulia, an online independent bookstore. Go HERE and use code CHERRY at checkout.
You may have seen authors talk about how important preorders are, especially for debuts like Sour Cherry. Basically, preorders tell publishers that readers are looking forward to our books, and that makes it more likely for us to continue publishing the books you look forward to! It's the best way to support an author. So, if you preorder, THANK YOU, and I hope you enjoy the book when it comes out on April 1st!
You may have seen authors talk about how important preorders are, especially for debuts like Sour Cherry. Basically, preorders tell publishers that readers are looking forward to our books, and that makes it more likely for us to continue publishing the books you look forward to! It's the best way to support an author. So, if you preorder, THANK YOU, and I hope you enjoy the book when it comes out on April 1st!